Yoltzi Avalos – Denver Online High School/DPS

Yoltzi Avalos is a high school senior at Denver Online High School who currently holds a 4.034 (weighted) GPA. Avalos is also the recipient of the Integrated Algebra award, and has received awards for high honors as well as perfect attendance.
Favorite Book: Wonder – by R.J. Palacio
Favorite Movie: Spider-Man Far from Home
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Music: Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles
Future Career: Undecided
Hero: My Family. Mom, dad, sister, and brother
Favortie Hobby: Painting/Drawing
Favorite Social Media Follow: Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles
Words to live by: “Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain” – Louis Tomlinson
Community Involvement:
Avalos has helped a retired neighbor out by completing chores around the house when needed.
Why is Community Involvement important? “I believe community involvement is important because it helps you be more compassionate towards the people in your community. It opens your eyes to the way others in your community live their daily life and how you can be helpful to them.”
If I could improve the world I would…
“I would help change the homeless dog situation in Mexico, limit the amount of trash we use in my community and make it easier for immigrant families to afford a lifestyle in America.”
College of choice:
University of Pittsburgh, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Colorado State University at Fort Collins.