
En mi corazón para siempre hermano


La Voz Staff Photos

The kindest man I’ve ever known died last Saturday, my oldest brother, Orlando. A hardworking man who only looked for the good in others, never held a grudge, forgave easily, my hero.

My memories of ‘Orlie’ were many. He let me tag along on his dates with my now sis- ter-in-law, Emily. He took me to carnivals, drive-in movies, movies, picnics, later, Disneyland and more. He loved all music, that of his generation from Elvis to Johnny Cash to Motown and New Mexico’s own Al Hurricane. Often, I accompanied him in his red and white ‘54 Chevy as he sped through Costilla’s main roads, with the radio blaring Elvis, the Everly Brothers or Johnny Cash. As I literally stood behind him at age 4 or so, with windows rolled down and my hair blowing in the wind, I knew I had the coolest brother ever.

La Voz Staff Photo

He was 16 years old when I as born and because dad worked out of State, Orlando quickly filled dad’s shoes as the man of the house. He worked alongside mom in planting crops that helped kept his siblings fed. He also worked the northern New Mexico and southern Colorado fields of potatoes and lettuce that earned him money to buy a car. He bought me a beautiful wooden high chair as a toddler, that I still have. He was an honorable man who always paid his way.

I was his shadow and he showered me with atten- tion and because of his love of music, I was exposed to every possible genre of music. When I think of the happiest person I ever knew, he wins that honor, hands down.

He attended business college in the ‘Duke City,’ as he called it, married and moved to California, but we never lost our special connection. To family and to the many friends who knew him, he loved you all. Mama and daddy, you raised an honorable man. He was a special man who was proud of his wife, his sons Gary, Daryl and Nathan and his beloved grandchildren.

My brother Orlando, you were like no other. You were a true man of God in your actions on Earth. You’ve left a lasting impression on so many, along with three of the most respectful sons. Your time on Earth expired on Saturday, but your mark of honesty, kindness and love will never die.

Vaya con Dios Orlie, you were a prime example of what our Creator wants in all of us. En mi corazon para siempre.

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