
Our Government


White House

President Biden announced his intent to nominate Dr. Arati Prabhakar to serve as Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and once confirmed to this position, also as Assistant to the President for Science and Technology. In this capacity, Dr. Prabhakar will be the President’s Chief Advisor for Science and Technology, a co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and a member of the President’s Cabinet.

Colorado Governor

The Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) released its quarterly economic forecast: “Colorado’s economy continues to recover faster and stronger and ahead of other states, as new good-paying jobs are added every week and Colorado’s unemployment rate continues to plummet. Amidst this strong economic recovery, we remain laser-focused on saving people money and cutting costs for Coloradans as Putin’s war in Ukraine and pandemic-induced inflation lead to higher costs across the country and globe. We are moving forward with over 100 ways to save Coloradans money including a tax rebate of at least $500 for every taxpayer this summer, and we continue working hard to find even more ways to help Coloradans hold on to more of your hard-earned money,” said Gov. Polis.

Denver Mayor

Mayor Hancock and Denver Community Planning and Development Department are seeking nominations for the 2022 Mayor’s Design Awards. The event will offer an opportunity to honor a new set of winners, look back at design in Denver over the last decade and consider how our city continues to tackle the challenges of equity, affordability and sustainability through improvements and innovation in our public realm. Help us recognize the building and placemaking projects that are elevating our community. Nominations are due Friday, September 9, 2022. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony later this year. To nominate a project, learn more about the Mayor’s Design Awards and see past winners, visit

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