Juanita Chacon hits the Community Trifecta

From left to right - Linda Alvarado, Juanita Chacon, Robert Alvarado - La Voz staff photo

On Thursday, September 22, Juanita Chacon received CLLARO’s Federico Pena Lifetime Achievement Award for her community service throughout her career. Chacon has been involved in many community efforts, but her most recent success is that Chacon, co-founded the Latinas First Foundation, whose annual luncheon brought several hundred women and men together this past Friday in celebration of the unique organization that raises scholarship money for young Latinas to attend college. “Girls can be what they can see”, their motto, illustrates the importance of representation of Latinas in our community. Additionally, colorful, unique hats graced the heads of many community leaders at the luncheon. To add further joy to Chacon, she celebrated her 70th birthday this week! To never-ending success, Juanita Chacon!