
CDPHE Updates Class-to-Clinic Locator


Online tool lists more than 2,200 schools and closest COVID-19 omicron vaccine providers

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment updated its Class-to-Clinic locator, which allows parents and guardians to easily find the COVID-19 vaccine providers — including those that offer omicron vaccines — closest to their child’s school. Nearly 2,300 K-12 schools are listed. The online tool shows the three closest vaccine providers to each school with omicron doses for children aged 5 years and older. The new locator is an update of a version released last school year.

In August of this year, CDPHE also released the Care-to-Clinic locator, which allows parents and guardians to quickly identify the under-5 vaccine providers closest to their child’s daycare, Head Start, YMCA, or other child care center. The locator lists nearly 3,500 licensed Colorado child care services with the three closest providers.

“It is important for families to have convenient access to the omicron vaccine right now — especially as more people gather indoors during the colder weather and upcoming holidays,” said Heather Roth, immunization branch chief, Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response. “The Class-to-Clinic locator will assist families by allowing them to quickly locate and schedule a COVID-19 vaccine visit for their children that fits into their busy routines.”

To find your child’s school, visit the locator on our website. Then, simply press “Ctrl” and “F” on your keyboard and type the name of your child’s school in your browser’s search bar. Scroll to the right in the locator to view the three closest vaccine providers and you will find their phone, address and a link to their website to make scheduling an appointment easy and convenient. A direct link to the locator spreadsheet is also available for those using a mobile device.

Vaccines are the safest, most effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and its variants and to help avoid the worst outcomes (severe illness, hospitalization, and death) among those who do become infected. Anyone aged 5 years and older who has completed a COVID-19 primary vaccine series can get an omicron dose, including people who have received any number of original booster doses. People should get their omicron dose at least two months after their most recent dose — either their completed primary series or third (booster) dose.

Coloradans can find omicron doses at health care providers and community vaccine clinics throughout the state. No ID, insurance, or proof of medical history is required. All doses of the vaccine are free. As a reminder, it takes two weeks for COVID-19 vaccines to be fully effective so Thursday, November 10th is the last day to get a vaccine in order to be fully protected by Thanksgiving.

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