
A Week In Review



Protest over white woman’s racist rant in South Africa – After a white woman called for Black people, rather than pit bulls, to be killed in a WhatsApp voice note, protesters picketed in South Africa. The woman also called for the uteruses of Black women to be removed. Authorities have opened a case of crime injuria, which refers to injuring a person’ dignity, against her. Her comments came at a time when the country is debating over whether pit bulls should be banned.

FIFA lifts Kenya’s ban from global soccer – FIFA has lifted a ban on Kenya from global soccer. The suspension began in February after Kenya’s sport ministry disbanded the country’s soccer federation because of fraud allegations. The federation recently installed a caretaker committee to run it. The ban would’ve kept Kenya from competing in qualifiers for the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations.


Protests rise in China over COVID rules – This past weekend, protests across China ensued because of the country’s strict COVID rules. Video from two protest sites showed a heavy police presence, police buses and cars. China’s “zero-COVID” policy enforces lockdowns of apartment buildings, and even cities or regions. Some protesters called for China President Xi Jinping to step down.

Taiwan president quits after local elections – Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen resigned as head of Taiwan’s governing Democratic Progressive Party because of her party’s poor performance in local elections. Tsai framed the election as a vote for democ- racy because of tensions with China. The country sees Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be part of the country.


Huge cartel taken down in Europe – Operation Desert Storm resulted in the arrest of 49 people across six European countries, according to the EU police agency, Europol. Those who were arrested are linked to a “super cartel” that controlled nearly a third of Europe’s cocaine supply. Police say the cartel is now dismantled. The two yearlong investigation resulted in the seizure of over 30 tons of drugs.

Power outages still a problem in Ukraine – Ukraine said that up to 50 percent of its electricity needs are currently not being met. Russia recently carried out massive missile strikes, leaving 15 regions without power and water supply. Officials fear that people could die of hypothermia because of sub-zero temperatures. Last week, around 70 percent of people in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, did not have power.

Latin America

Ecuador gang storms hospital – Seven suspected gang members were arrested after storming a hospital with guns in an attempt to kill a teenager who was being treated there. The gunmen took nurses hostage and exchanged gunfire with police before they were detained. No one was injured, police said. The teenager is thought to be a rival gang member and was being treated from bullet wounds.

Bolsonaro complaint rejected by court – Brazil’s electoral court rejected a challenge regarding the presidential election result. The challenge, made by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, was found to have had no evidence that voting machines were compromised. Bolsonaro narrowly lost the presidential election to leftist former leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

North America

Outbreak of avian flu among birds

The United States Department of Agriculture found that over 50 million birds have died because of a record-breaking outbreak of avian flu. The previous high of deaths among birds was in 2015. But flocks of birds, including chickens and turkeys, in over 40 states have been affected. The risk for humans is low, but health officials warned to take safety measures near birds.

Buffalo gunman pleads guilty to murder and terrorism – A 19-year-old white gunman who shot and killed 10 people in a racially motivated attack in Buffalo, New York, pleaded guilty to murder and terrorism charges. Charges include first-degree murder, murder as a hate crime, and domestic terrorism motivated by hate. The gunman said he killed each victim because of their race in court. All 10 of the victims were Black. His plea means he will be sentenced to life in prison without parole.

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