
Public input sought by Colorado Public Utilities Commission


The PUC is seeking public input on Atmos Energy Corporation’s request to increase rates charged to all customers.

Last Aug. 5, Atmos requested approval from the PUC to increase its annual revenues by approximately $7.7 million through higher rates. The primary drivers of the proposed rate increase are $33.4 million of utility system investments not recovered through Atmos’ System Safety and Integrity Rider (SSIR); higher operation and maintenance expenses (such as wages and benefits), which have increased annually by $2.9 million; and an estimated $750,000 in rate case expenses.

Atmos also requests to extend the SSIR for five additional years through 2028. The SSIR presently provides Atmos approximately $56.75 million in annual revenue. The SSIR is designed to allow Atmos to more timely recover its costs of replacing aging pipeline infrastructure rather than having to file rate cases each year to do so.

If left unchanged by the PUC, the rates proposed in August would be:

• 8-9 percent increase for residential customers
• 0.5-0.9 percent increase for small commercial and commercial customers
• 0.5 percent increase for irrigation customers; and 
• 2.1 percent increase for transportation

If extended, the SSIR could further increase residential customers’ bills by up to 2.5 percent per year.

Higher rates, if approved by the PUC, are presently scheduled to go into effect on May 13, 2023.

The PUC has scheduled a public comment hearing on the rate increase proposed by Atmos on:

• January 3, 2023, from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.

To register to comment during the public hearing, please click here: registration.

For more information on the proceeding, please visit: Proceeding No. 22AL-0348G.

In addition, members of the public can submit written comments:

1. By clicking on the “FILE A COMMENT OR COMPLAINT” link on the Commission’s website at

2. Through the Commission’s E-Filing System at

3. By emailing; or,

4. By mailing comments to Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public can also call 303.869.3490 to leave oral comments (English and Spanish options).

The PUC strives to accommodate all members of the public at its hearings and meetings by providing services for foreign language users and persons with disabilities upon receipt of a reasonable accommodation request. Requests for such accommodations should be made at least one week prior to the event by completing the Language Access Form. Requests can also be made directly by contacting Holly Bise at 303.894.2024 or by emailing

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