Engage with art, experience onsite activities, and explore the exhibitions on view all while enjoying free general admission! This day is part of our Free Days at the DAM program. Tickets may be reserved in advance or at the front desk upon entry. Review our safety guidelines and visit tips ahead of your trip. Visit www.denverartmuseum.org/en/free-days-dam for more information.

Free days in 2023 include:
Tuesday, July 11
Sunday, July 30
Tuesday, August 8
Saturday, September 9
Tuesday, September 12
Tuesday, October 10
Saturday, November 4
Tuesday, November 14
Tuesday, December 12
Que Pasa? is compiled by La Voz Staff. To submit an event for consideration please email attractions@lavozcolorado.com with Que Pasa in the subject line by Friday at 5 p.m.