
A Week In Review



Saudi guards accused of killing migrants

Human Rights Watch accused Saudi border guards of killing hundreds of people along the Yemeni border. Most of the victims are Ethiopians who crossed Yemen, an area in conflict, to reach Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has rejected allegations of systematic killings in the past. Human Rights Watch made the accusations in a report that covers events up to June this year.

Niger coup leader promises to hand over power eventually

Gen Abdourahamane Tchiani promised to return Niger to civilian rule within three years. Last month, Niger President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown from power. There have been some regional efforts to reverse the coup and those efforts have been backed by the United States and France. Both of those countries have military bases in Niger.


Mobs burn churches in Pakistan

At least 100 people were arrested in Pakistan after thousands of Muslims burned churches and vandalized homes. The violence was sparked by claims that two Christian men had torn pages from a copy of the Quran. The burnings occurred in Jaranwala, a city in east Pakistan. Public gatherings have been restricted for seven days in the area because of the violence.

Fast food restaurants drop tomatoes in India

Burger King has joined McDonald’s in dropping tomatoes from its menu in India. The action was taken because of a tomato shortage in the market. Crops have been damaged this year due to bad weather condi- tions and have caused tomato prices to rise. Subway also removed tomatoes from menus in India and canceled free cheese slices the restaurant offered with sandwiches for years.


Spain wins Women’s World Cup

Celebrations ensued in Spain’s streets after Spain’s Women soccer team defeated England 1-0 in the Women’s World Cup Final. It was the first time Spain’s women’s team won the tournament. The victory came after the team had a player revolt less than a year ago. Analysts suggest the victory could trans- form women’s soccer in Spain.

Russian priest blesses Stalin statue

A Russian priest is under investigation after he was filmed blessing a new statue of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. In recent years, a growing number of Russians have taken a more positive view of Stalin. Russian President Vladimir Putin and others have promoted Stalin as the leader who led the country to victory against Germany in World War II. During Stalin’s rule, tens of thousands of church clergy were killed or sent to labor camps.

Latin America

Explosion kills dozens in Dominican Republic

At least 24 people were killed after an explosion occurred in San Cristobal, a small town in the Dominican Republic. Among the victims included a four-month-old baby. It is unknown what caused the blast, and dozens of people were injured and are hospitalized. Buildings like a hardware shop, a veterinary clinic, and a plastics factory were all destroyed. President Luis Abinader visited the site of the explosion last week.

Left-winger leads Ecuador presidential election

Luisa Gonzalez, who has promised social programs in Ecuador, is leading the country’s presidential election. She has 33 percent of votes while Daniel Noboa has earned 24 percent of votes. The candidates will go into a run-off on Oct. 15. Gonzalez leans left and is a protégé of leftist ex-President Rafael Correa. The election has been overshadowed by the killing of candidate Fernando Villavicencio on Aug. 9.

North America

Hundreds still missing after Maui fires

Around 850 people are still missing after wildfires swept through Maui. Fires destroyed most of the historic Maui town of Lahaina, and the blazes are the worst natural disaster in Hawaii state history. President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit the island, and so far, 114 people are confirmed dead. Biden pledged to do everything in his power to help Maui recover and rebuild.

Shop owner shot over Pride flag

Laura Ann Carleton was found with a bullet wound at her Mag Pi shop in California last week. Police said she was shot and killed after a dispute over a Pride flag displayed outside her business. The suspect fled on foot and was killed by police when found nearby and allegedly still armed. The incident occurred in Cedar Glen, California last Friday.

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