
What’s Happening?



Created by Colorado artist Chris Bagley, Space Command is an immersive installation with a whimsical approach to the atomic age. Visitors are invited to probe the boundless mysteries of space by wandering and immersing their senses through sight, sound, and touch as they take in the wonders of “cosmic” debris—both familiar and foreign. The installation repurposes vintage scientific equipment, Mylar, and other space-age materials to create an interactive environment with emanating light, pulsing sound, and rotating objects. Visitors are encouraged to investigate its many layers and experience the optical illusions. In this altered reality, challenge your perceptions of the real and the unknown, spark your imagination, and consider limitless possibilities yet to be explored. Please note: The Space Command installation includes flashing LED lights that may affect photosensitive visitors. Visit for more information.

Photo courtesy: Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Que Pasa? is compiled by La Voz Staff. To submit an event for consideration please email with Que Pasa in the subject line by Friday at 5 p.m.

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