
PUC seeks public input on Black Hills Colorado Electric’s Transportation Electrification Plan 2024-2026


Public comment is sought on Black Hills Colorado Electric’s Transportation Electrification Plan, known as the Ready EV Plan, in Proceeding 23A-0244E, during an upcoming public comment hearing scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 4:30 p.m.

Black Hills Energy provides service to approximately 100,000 customers in 24 counties, including the City of Pueblo, Cañon City, Cripple Creek, and Rocky Ford among others. The Ready EV Plan highlights include:

  • Ready Electric Vehicle (EV) programs
    • With a three-year budget for Ready EV, subject to a 150 percent budget flexibility cap.
  • Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) rebate program.
  • A new rebate that encourages customers to charge their EVs during off-peak periods.
  • A Customer Communication and Education Strategy.

Meeting Details

  • Black Hills Colorado Electric’s Application for Approval of its Ready EV Plan.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023, beginning at 4:30 p.m., and continuing until concluded but no later than 6:30 p.m.
  • Virtual meeting, via Zoom. You must register here to participate.
  • Requests for language accommodations should be made at least one week prior to the event by completing the Language Access Form. Requests can also be made directly by contacting Holly Bise at 303.894.2024 or holly.bise@state.

The public is invited to view the hearing via the PUC’s livestream channel on You Tube. In addition, members of the public can submit written comments through the Commission’s E-Filing System at, via our online comment form, by emailing, or by mailing comments to Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public can also call 303.869.3490 to leave oral comments (English and Spanish options). Regardless of the option selected, please reference Proceeding No. 23A-0244E in your public comment so that it can be included in this Proceeding.

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