When the Vietnam War intensified some Americans at the time like Colorado native and Vietnam veteran George Autobee felt like enlisting in the military was the honorable thing to do.

The war was one of the longest armed conflicts in the history of the United States, spanning two decades and claiming the lives of more than 58,000 American troops. Autobee served in the 1st Marine Corps Division and was wounded twice in combat. He was eventually awarded the Purple Heart, a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the president to those wounded or killed while serving.
Born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado in 1949, Autobee enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating high school. He arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam in June 1968 where he was attached to the 1nd platoon, Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division specializing in 60 mm mortars and as a rifleman.
Only two and a half months after arriving in Vietnam, Autobee was wounded in his arm when he was acting as the point man on Hill 310. He was left wounded without a weapon, and after eventually reaching a hospital, he was urgently taken into surgery. After being treated for his wound, Autobee was eventually awarded the Purple Heart and later a Gold Star.
Autobee returned to the United States in May of 1969 to pursue an undergraduate degree at what is now Colorado State University-Pueblo. Later, he earned a masters degree from the University of Northern Colorado, and in 1980, he reenlisted in the military as part of the United States Army Reserves where he became a medic.

Outside of the military, Autobee has had several successful ventures, including launching his own company, World Demographic Research LLC. Through his company, Autobee developed several economic studies on national, state and county Hispanic business growth reports and research on the Hispanic consumer market for the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. World Demographic Research LLC has also produced data and studies on health subjects like diabetes impact on the Hispanic community, and other work like Hispanic skiers and their economic impact on Colorado.
Autobee has also co-authored the books “The Hispanic Entrepreneurship Training Program,” “Latino Health Disparities Report 2019,” and authored the book “Marine Grunt to Medic.” He has also produced two 30-minute video documentaries and was the producer of the shows “The Weekly Issue” and “The Hispanic Chamber Review” with Telemundo Spanish TV. Autobee was responsible for directing over 100 shows.
Veteran’s Day is observed annually on Nov. 11, honoring military veterans like Autobee who have dedicated their lives to making the country better. LaVozColorado salutes Autobee for his dedication to serving his country and shining light on important subjects that affect the Hispanic/Latino community.