Caesar was as noble and regal as his name. He reminded me of the debonair, classy gentleman that the old time actor, Cary Grant played in movies. He had the ultimate powerhouse muscular body by virtue of the French bulldog breed and was bigger than most French bulldogs. Caesar always thought he was a person instead of a dog, as did we.
Caesar became ill recently and within two days we had to let go of the family pet who gave us years of happiness. He belonged to our son Brandon, but the entire family claimed him as their own. Caesar celebrated every holiday, every birthday and special day with us, at both our homes in Colorado and in New Mexico.
It is my opinion that dogs are placed on earth to help you cope with life when you face the bad times and to also enhance all the good in your life. Our Caesar really was a human inside a dog’s body. He had a swag about him and he filled in the many voids for all of us as a family.

As an example, during backyard barbecues, he preferred to sit on a lawn chair and listen to our conversations, than to play with other pets. As we spoke he carefully listened and looked at each family member as if he understood the discussion. His favorite spot in the winter was in front of the fireplace mesmerized and relaxed by a single flame. He loved and had a special connection with everyone in the family and we acknowledged the uniqueness of this incredible dog. Ironically he had a sneaky side to him when he manipulated situations to get his co-dog, Jax in trouble. I saw those smartly planned situations play out as Jax remained clueless.
As a young child, through the teen years and into adulthood. I have owned a dog. From my first mixed look alike ‘Lassie’ collie to three cocker spaniels named Frisco, to the incomparable Caesar, they all hold a special place in my heart.
Caesar was kind, gentle, classy, smart and in tune with each of us. He was my son’s dog for several years. I’m a strong believer that Caesar was placed in my son’s path at a time when he so needed a friend and I forever will be grateful . In his own way he served as therapy for all of us.
And so my noble man’s best friend, thank you for everything. You were and are on a journey to better this world. You shattered our hearts and our world by leaving us so soon yesterday, but you taught us a lesson in loyalty, love and all that is good with the world.
Hail Caesar! Vaya con Dios!