Destanaya Quintana – Antonito High School

Profile: Destanaya Quintana is a high school senior at Antonito High School who currently holds a 3.1 GPA while being involved in sports. Quintana’s academic achievements include English Honor Roll. Quintana is a strong athlete and is active in Volleyball, Basketball, and Cross country. Quintana has lettered in Volleyball and Basketball, received Basketball Defensive Player of the Year, and the Namaste Award. Quintana plans to stay in the San Luis Valley after High School and hopes to attend Trinidad State College.
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Music: Likes all music.
Future Career: Sports Physical Therapist
Hero: My parents, Frank and Carmen Montoya.
Favorite Hobby: Spending time with family.
Words to live by: “Don’t let what other people think, decide who you are.” – Dennis Rodman
Community Involvement: Quintana volunteers for the school Community Town Cleanup and for Kindergarten assisting students during first and sixth period.
Why is Community Involvement important? Quintana says, “community involvement is important because it shows you care.”
If I could improve the world I would…
“…. stop school bullying.”
College of choice: Trinidad State College