Michael Brian Reyes-Reyes – Denver East High School

Profile: Michael Brian Reyes-Reyes is a high school senior at Denver East High School who currently holds a 3.0 GPA. Reyes-Reyes academic achievements include Honors classes and AP classes. Reyes-Reyes belongs to Latino Students United, Boys to Men, AVID and volunteers for St. Joseph Catholic Parish.
Favorite Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kyosaki
Favorite Movie: The Lone Survivor Man in Red Bandana
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
Favorite Music: Regional Mexican
Future Career: Entrepreneur business owner/HVAC
Hero: My parents, Jose and Hipolita Reyes-Reyes
Favorite Hobby: Gym, soccer, listening to music and TikTok
Words to live by: “If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” — Muhammad Ali
Community Involvement: Reyes-Reyes volunteers for various community service activities and fundraising.
Why is Community Involvement important? Reyes-Reyes says, “Community involvement is important so you could get to know your community better and build bonds that don’t just benefit your community but benefit you.”
If I could improve the world I would…
“…. make education free and accessible for everyone because I believe everyone should have the right to be educated.”
College of choice: Reyes-Reyes has been accepted to Colorado State University–Fort Collins, University of Colorado Springs, Metropolitan State University-Denver, and University of Colorado-Denver.