Unique Gifts for the Holidays Part II of IV
LaVozColorado Staff
In the midst of the holiday season, we are moved to be more generous, more caring and more understanding of others’ needs. Perhaps it is the feeling of community, of giving and the warmth of the season. This holiday season and perhaps the rest of the year, please consider doing one or some of the following:

- Provide a meal to an elderly neighbor or your grandma/grandpa
- Shovel someone’s sidewalk or driveway
- Bake a cake for a friend
- Wash your spouse’s car
- Fill up someone’s gas tank
- Call a friend you have not connected with for some time
- Give a compliment to a store clerk
- Give a gift card to your mailman
- Volunteer at a nursing home
- Drop off a box of groceries to a family in need
- Take your spouse out to lunch or dinner at a mall
restaurant - Sing Christmas carols with your kids
- Write a letter to someone you love
- Smile more this holiday season
- Indulge in a hot bubble bath
- Compliment your spouse
- Praise your children, grandchildren
- Bake treats for your co-workers
- Start a gift/toy collection for a family in need
- Call your parents if you are lucky to have them
- Play with your pet
- Pray for our nation/world
- Send a care package to a soldier
- Don’t drink/text and drive
- Bake cookies with those you love
- Count your blessings
- Listen to holiday music
- Take care of yourself
- Watch ‘Planes, Trains, and Automobiles’
- Watch ‘A Christmas Story’
- Drink hot chocolate
- Compliment an employee
- Compliment your employer
- Take your spouse to a movie
- Record favorite songs for a loved one
- Buy flowers for a friend
- Clean a elderly person’s home
- Pay someone’s utility bill
- Buy a book for a book lover
- Pay it back at a fast-food restaurant
- Attend Midnight Mass, even if you’re not Catholic
- Read a story to your children/grandchildren
- Bring a box of chocolates to the office
- Education matters, give to a scholarship program
- Always Buy Colorado
- Donate to a needly family
- Donate to your favorite nonprofit via Colorado Gives
- Keep reading LaVozColorado
As we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ, remain in that giving frame of mind and help those who need a helping hand. The warmth that gesture brings to your heart, is your reward.
The best of the season from LaVozColorado!