
Pueblo Memorial Airport scheduled for improvements


It has to be one of the most convenient airports in Colorado. Located twenty minutes from town—at its farthest—the Pueblo Memorial Airport offers free parking and a short few minutes’ walk to the terminal for those needing to get out of town. But there’s one problem and despite putting it off for way too long, Pueblo’s ready to fix it.

Like most cities, with so many costs and priorities, some things inevitably get delayed. But 2025 is the year Pueblo is investing in modernizing its airport and making it truly a 21st century facility.

With the expected approval of City Council, Pueblo will be budgeting up to $5 million to expand the airport terminal, improve accessibility and make the traveling experience dramatically more convenient and comfortable than it is today.

“The foundation of this project is to expand the concourse,” said Directory of Aviation Greg Pedroza. “Passengers,” he said, “will now get screened and rest in a nicer area.” New and modern restrooms will also be part of the overall upgrade.

A significant target of the upgrade and perhaps the most significant part of the overall plan is expansion of the area where screened passengers must now remain before boarding. When complete, Pedroza said, “Passengers will get screened and rest in a nicer area,” one that includes restrooms, he said, an amenity that does not now exist. 

“If you’re on this side waiting for the aircraft, he said, “you have to go back outside (the holding area) and be rescreened…it’s strenuous for passengers.” Pedroza said the city has done its best to make do by working around the inconveniences, but the money just wasn’t there to properly address it. “This project allows us to bring everything up to code efficiently in one felled swoop.” It will also allow the airport to meet all ADA guidelines.

While reluctant to guess how City Council will vote on approving the funds, Pedroza said meetings with council have so far gone well. But Pueblo Mayor Heather Graham is all in saying improving the airport will not only be good for travelers who, by the way, come to Pueblo from all parts of southern Colorado to fly, but for the whole city.

“Making investments in the Pueblo Memorial Airport is important, especially as we look forward to a new air service provider in 2025 and for large scale events like the Thunderbirds air show,” said Mayor Graham. “Investing in our airport with the terminal renovation is an opportunity for us to increase revenue for the future, which benefits all of Pueblo.”

The Pueblo Memorial Airport was deeded to the city after WWII. But for much of the war, the airport played a vital role in the American mission. The airport was a training site for pilots and crews for bombing missions who flew the B17, B24 and B29 aircraft. Today the airport is also home to the Weisbrod Aircraft Museum which features a number of artifacts of the war, including the B29 Super Fortress, perhaps the workhorse bombing aircraft of the war. 

Pueblo’s airport also serves another important mission for aspiring pilots, including a long list from the nearby Air Force Academy. Cadets regularly perform touch-and-goes on the DA-20 Katana aircraft. 

Improvements, Pedroza said, will provide travelers what they want. “It is incumbent on ourselves and will make us a viable option…making an investment in our own infrastructure makes for more comfort for the travel experience.” It may also keep more passengers from traveling to Colorado Springs or Denver to catch their flight.

Plans for the upgrades, Pedroza said, are now about 90 percent complete. Work is estimated to begin early next year, and completion is expected to be done by “summer of 2025.” 

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