
Our Government


White House

By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation: “By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in honor of Inauguration Day and everything good and noble that it represents about our Nation, our people, and our form of Government, I hereby order that, on this and all future Inauguration Days, the flag of the United States shall be flown at full-staff. Upon the end of this Inauguration Day, I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be returned to half-staff as directed by Proclamation 10876 of December 29, 2024 (Announcing the Death of James Earl Carter, Jr.), in recognition of the memory of our former President, until the period of 30 days from the day of his death has concluded.

Colorado Governor

Governor Polis celebrated a historic round of grants from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for projects in Colorado totaling $176.8M from the Inflation Reduction Act, including up to $40M for the Colorado River Water Conservation District’s acquisition of the water rights associated with the Shoshone power plant. “The Colorado River is a lifeline for the Western Slope and the thousands of Coloradans who call it home. This support for the Shoshone water rights is a huge step towards ensuring that the river will continue flowing to western Colorado farmers, ranchers, communities, and businesses,” said Gov. Polis.

Denver Mayor

In a historic deal negotiated by Mayor Mike Johnston, the City and County of Denver today announced it is acquiring the site of the former Park Hill Golf Course and that it intends to transform the space into a modern, urban park. Denver Parks & Recreation will oversee the park, which will open for the public by summer of this year. “We believe Park Hill can be a crown jewel of Denver,” said Mayor Johnston.

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