Ana Patricia Martinez-Martinez – Abraham Lincoln High School
Ana Patricia Martinez-Martinez is a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School who currently holds a 3.3 GPA. Martinez-Martinez’ academic achievements include AP Spanish, Seal of Biliteracy, and Spanish Honor Society. Martinez-Martinez is on the dance team and the Latinx Student Alliance.
Favorite Book: Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Isn’t – Florence Nightingale
Favorite Movie: Moana
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite music: Julion Alvarez
Future Career: Nursing
Hero: My mom, Yenny Jamileth Martinez. She is a figure of unconditional support, love and wisdom.
Favorite Hobby: “Take photos or go to the gym.”
Favorite Social Media Follow: Facebook
Words to live by: “Behind every woman, there is a story that makes her a true warrior.” – unknown
Community Involvement: Martinez-Martinez volunteers through her school and the organizations she belongs to. Martinez-Martinez helps during computer classes, provides tours to new students, and volunteers during sports and school events.
Why is Community involvement important? Martinez-Martinez says that “it is vital to contribute to the community, as it increases the sense of community. Supporting those in need not only improves their quality of life, it also promotes a shared sense of belonging.”
If I could improve the world I would…
“….I would change the way money is valued in the world. I feel like money is everything to being successful, when it shouldn’t be everything.
College of choice: Martinez-Martinez has applied and been accepted to Metropolitan State University, Colorado State University/Pueblo, and the University of Colorado/Denver.