All involved will emphasize the need for precaution and awareness around train lines
The Regional Transportation District (RTD), is partnering with organizations across the Denver metro region and beyond in observance of North American Rail Safety Week, Sept. 19-25. The event is organized to bring national awareness to the importance of being safe and avoiding distractions when crossing railways.
RTD is participating in recognition of the importance of preventing rail-related accidents in partnership with Denver Transit Operators (DTO), the operator of the A, B and G lines and Operation Lifesaver, a nonprofit public safety education organization dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities and injuries at rail crossings and preventing railroad trespassing.
RTD and DTO Safety departments and RTD Transit Police will collaborate as part of Operation Clear Track, which aims to reduce the approximately 2,000 serious injuries and deaths each year in the U.S. around railroad tracks and trains. RTD staff will be at various locations along commuter rail lines, to speak with pedestrians and motorists about the need for safety near trains.
“Unsafe decisions can lead to severe or fatal consequences which are preventable,” said Senior Manager of Safety, Security and Compliance Martha J. Bembry. “This affects those taking the risk and our train operators who are committed to the safety of others. We want to remind everyone traveling near our rail system to remain alert, avoid distractions and know what to do when a train is approaching.”
RTD and DTO will be conducting outreach at the following locations during Rail Safety Week:
A Line Sept. 20, 7-9 a.m. – Peoria Station Sept. 22, 7-9 a.m. – 40th•Colorado Station G Line Sept. 22, 7-9 a.m. – Olde Town Arvada Station N Line Sept. 20, 7-9 a.m. – At-grade rail crossing located east of 100th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard Denver Union Station Sept. 25, 4-6 p.m. – Commuter rail platform area